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About ROUGH Foundation
To provide the services and distribute the resources that could mean the difference in an individual’s life (rough journey) between just existing and living a positive and productive life.
To Reach Out and Help people right where they are, right now.
The ROUGH Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded in July 2009 and is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin. The name R.O.U.G.H. is an acronym that means Reach Out U Get Help and Reach Out U Give Help. The ROUGH Foundation’s overall purpose is to provide the services and distribute the resources that could mean the difference in an individual’s life (their own life’s rough journey) between just existing and living a positive and productive life.
With every purchase, the ROUGH Sportswear Company contributes at least 1% of a customer’s total purchase to the ROUGH Foundation. Contributions have gone to support the following not for profit organizations: Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance, Azheimer's Association South Central Wisconsin, American Parkinson’s Disease Association, Ann’s Hope Foundation, Big Brother Big Sister of Dane County, Black Star Drum Line, Bolingbrook High School, Dane County Humane Society, Dane County Rape Crisis Center, Boys & Girls’ Club of Dane County, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Noah’s Arc Animal Sanctuary, Pathways for Women, and Porchlight Homeless Solutions.
To make a financial contribution to directly support the ROUGH Foundation's philanthropic efforts, please send a check to the address listed below or contact us toll free at 877-768-4477.
GRACE Society |
PEACE Society |
MERCY Society |
JOURNEY Society |
ROUGH Angel $100,000 + ROUGH Love $99,999 - $50,000 ROUGH Joy $49,999 - $25,000 |
ROUGH Peace $24,999 - $10,000 ROUGH Compassion $9,999 - $5,000 ROUGH Empathy $4,999 - $2,500 |
ROUGH Mercy $2,499 - $1,000 ROUGH Determination $999 - $500 ROUGH Courage $499 - $250 |
ROUGH Journey $249 - $1 |